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The 30-Minute, No-Equipment Workout That Burns 250 Calories

The 30-Minute, No-Equipment Workout That Burns 250 Calories

1. Walk-Out Chatura Sets: 3 A. Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Fold forward and walk hands out until body is in a plank. ...
20-Minute Tabata Workout

20-Minute Tabata Workout

Time: 20 minutes Equipment: Resistance band Good for: Total body Instructions: Here are five moves. Do each move for 20 seconds at maximum effort...
13 At-Home Leg Exercises That Require No Equipment

13 At-Home Leg Exercises That Require No Equipment

1. Body-weight Squats Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and slightly turned out with your weight in your heels. Hinge forward at...